At the craft centre we are committed to socially responsible principles in everything we do. We believe it is possible to offer our customers a wonderful experience when visiting, backed by our commitment to sustainability and responsibility. The centre is located in a beautiful setting and we want to ensure that it, and the wider world remain that way for future generations.
The food served in The Crafty Cafe is locally sourced and we have a zero waste policy. Our chef will always come up with a new special menu item to ensure that everything is used and nothing goes 'out of date’.
In the Old Coach House Store we pride ourselves on stocking only products that fulfil our sustainable, eco friendly and fair trade criteria. We are committed to sourcing our products in an environmentally and socially responsible way, and still giving you a wonderful range of individual and unique gifts, homeware, jewellery, garden decoration, and children’s toys priced to suit all budgets. Wherever possible we buy from businesses that are part of BAFTS (The British Association of Fair Trade Shops) who are an association of members first set up in 1995 to bring together a number of handicrafts’ shops that sell fair trade goods and has since expanded to include fair trade suppliers and is recognised by the World Fair Trade Organisation as a National Fair Trade Network. On the rare occasions we source products from other organisations, we vet them and ensure their ethos and working practices live up to our expectations.
Our resident crafters all agree to work to these principles when joining us. As makers their own sourcing of products and raw materials is conducted in a sustainable and responsible manner, and throughout the centre we are all very mindful of the energy we consume to keep our areas inviting for you to visit. You may find that we reduce the number of lights switched on in the store if it's a particularly sunny day and we will use the sun's own heat to keep us warm, rather than switch on the heaters.
When you visit the centre, eat in The Crafty Cafe or buy something from The Old Coach House Store, you can rest assured that we have thought very hard about the impact that item has had on our beautiful world.
The Fulbeck Craft Centre Ethos